Enhancing Diffusion's on 3D Images

Note this notebook is a work in progress, and does not make optimal use of the LieAnalysis package.

LeftInvariantDerivatives3D[Obj3DPositionOrientationData, derivativeIndex]computes the AderivativeIndex derivatives from Obj3DPositionOrientationData using a finite differences method
LeftInvariantDerivatives3D[Obj3DPositionOrientationData, {σs,σo}, derivativesIndex]using Gaussian derivatives specified by the scales σs and σo
OrientationScoreTensor3D[Obj3DPositionOrientationData, {derivativeIndex..}]construct tensor {AderivativeIndex..} from Obj3DPositionOrientationData using finite differences method
OrientationScoreTensor3D[Obj3DPositionOrientationData, {σs,σo}, {derivativeIndex..}]using Gaussian derivatives specified by the scales σs and σo
OrientationScoreGaugeFrames3D[Obj3DPositionOrientationData,{σs,σo}]computes a data adaptive frame from Obj3DPositionOrientationData
OrientationScoreTransform3D[data]computes an orientation score (Obj3DPositionOrientationData) from data

Functions that can be used for enhancing diffusion's on 3-dimensional images.

Load the package
Click for copyable input

Helper Functions

You should run this section, but you might not want to read this section.

Functions to compute structureness

A lot of the functions bellow are included in the LieAnalysis package internally, and should be removed in future releases of this Tutorial.

RotateZY[n_] := RotateZY@@Transpose[n,Join[Range[2, ArrayDepth[n]], {1}]];
RotateZY[x_,y_,z_] := RotateZYC[x,y,z];
RotateZYC = Compile[{{x,_Real},{y,_Real},{z,_Real}},Module[{β,γ,ϵ=10^-8},
        {Cos[β] Cos[γ],-Sin[γ],Cos[γ] Sin[β]},
        {Cos[β] Sin[γ],Cos[γ],Sin[β] Sin[γ]},
CartesianToSpherical[qvecs_] := CartesianToSphericalC[qvecs];
        {qx,qy,qz} = vec; R = Sqrt[qx^2+qy^2+qz^2];
        {qx,qy,qz} = {qx,qy,qz}/R;
                {θ,ϕ} = {ArcCos[qz/Sqrt[qx^2+qy^2+qz^2]],ArcTan[qx,qy]};,
                {θ,ϕ} = {π,0};
            {θ,ϕ} = {0,0};
SHIndexj2l[j_] :=  Floor[Sqrt[j-1]];
SHIndexlm2j[l_,m_] := Round[(l^2+l+1)+m];
SHIndexj2m[j_] := Round[j-1-(SHIndexj2l[j])^2-SHIndexj2l[j]];
DSHTCreateM[orientations_,lMax_Integer] := Module[{Mmat,R,θ,ϕ},
    {R,θ,ϕ} = CartesianToSpherical[orientations];
    Mmat = Table[SphericalHarmonicY[SHIndexj2l[j],SHIndexj2m[j],θ,ϕ ],{j,1,(lMax+1)^2}];
PseudoInverseiDSHT[orientations_,Lmax_Integer,values_] := values.Transpose[PseudoInverseiDSHT[orientations,Lmax]];
PseudoInverseiDSHT[orientations_,Lmax_Integer] := Module[{Mmat=DSHTCreateM[orientations,Lmax]},
SHAngularDiffusion[s_List,sigma_] := s.Transpose[SHAngularDiffusion[SHIndexj2l[Dimensions[s][[-1]]],sigma]];
SHAngularDiffusion[lMax_Integer,sigma_] := Module[{kt = 1/2 sigma^2},
(*Create GaussianDerivative using gaussian filter*)
MGaussianDerivative[data_,σGaus_,der_] := GaussianFilter[data,{5σGaus,σGaus},der,Method->"Gaussian","Standardization"->False];

(*Apply a gaussian filter with size σGaus at each orientation. der is the derivative you want to take with {0,0,0} for blurring.*)
GaussianFilterAtOrientations[OS_,σGaus_,der_] := Transpose[Table[MGaussianDerivative[OS[[All,All,All,i]],σGaus,der],{i,1,Length[OS[[1,1,1]]]}],{4,1,2,3}];
(*Calculate the spatial gradient at each orientation by applygin GaussianFilterAtOrientations 3 times*)
SpatialGradientAtOrientations[OS_,σGaus_] := Map[GaussianFilterAtOrientations[OS,σGaus,#]&,{{1,0,0},{0,1,0},{0,0,1}}];
(*Calculate the elements of the spatial Hessian by applying gaussianfilter 6 times*)
SpatialHessianAtOrientations[OS_,σGaus_] := Module[{dxx,dxy,dxz,dyy,dyz,dzz},
    dxx = GaussianFilterAtOrientations[OS,σGaus,{2,0,0}];
    dxy = GaussianFilterAtOrientations[OS,σGaus,{1,1,0}];
    dxz = GaussianFilterAtOrientations[OS,σGaus,{1,0,1}];

    dyy = GaussianFilterAtOrientations[OS,σGaus,{0,2,0}];
    dyz = GaussianFilterAtOrientations[OS,σGaus,{0,1,1}];

    dzz = GaussianFilterAtOrientations[OS,σGaus,{0,0,2}];
HRegularizeAndPrepareSpatialDerivativesXYZ[s_, lMax_, sigmaSpatial_, sigmaAngle_]  := Module[{sAngularlyBlurred, sV, pack = Developer`ToPackedArray, sGradientXYZ, sHessianXYZ}, 
    (*Perform angular blurring*)
    sAngularlyBlurred = SHAngularDiffusion[s, sigmaAngle];

    (*Perform spatial blurring*)
    sV = GaussianFilterAtOrientations[sAngularlyBlurred, sigmaSpatial, {0, 0, 0}];

    (*Determine spatial derivatives in global coordinates x, y, z*)
    sGradientXYZ = pack[SpatialGradientAtOrientations[sAngularlyBlurred, sigmaSpatial]];
sHessianXYZ = pack[SpatialHessianAtOrientations[sAngularlyBlurred, sigmaSpatial]];

    {sV, sGradientXYZ, sHessianXYZ}
Options[CompiledSHTable] = {"PhiSymmetric" -> False};
CompiledSHTable[lMax_Integer, OptionsPattern[]] := Compile[{th, ph},
            N[ExpToTrig[Table[If[SHIndexj2m[j] == 0, SphericalHarmonicY[SHIndexj2l[j], SHIndexj2m[j], th, ph], 0], {j, 1, (lMax+1)^2}]]],
            N[ExpToTrig[Table[SphericalHarmonicY[SHIndexj2l[j], SHIndexj2m[j], th, ph], {j, 1, (lMax+1)^2}]]]
    RuntimeAttributes -> Listable
CompiledSHA1A2A3[lMax_Integer, selection_:All] := 
    With[{csht = CompiledSHTable[lMax], sel = selection/.{"A1"->1, "A2"->2, "A3"->3, All->{1, 2, 3}}},
        (*Check option input*)
        If[(!ContainsOnly[sel, {1, 2, 3}])||Depth[sel] != 2, Abort[]];
        (*Compile function*)
        Compile[{{Rn1, _Real, 2}, {sGradR3, _Complex, 2}},
            Module[{n1 = Rn1.{0, 0, 1}, th, ph, A123},
                (*Calculate spherical angles of n1*)
                {th, ph} = CartesianToSphericalC[n1][[2;;3]];
                (*Calculate first order spatial derivatives*)
                A123 = Transpose[Rn1[[All, sel]]].(sGradR3.csht[th, ph])
        RuntimeAttributes->Listable, CompilationOptions->{"InlineCompiledFunctions"->True, "InlineExternalDefinitions"->True}]
HHessianXYZToHessianA1A2A3CMatrix = Compile[{{sel, _Integer, 1}, {R, _Real, 2}}, 
    Module[{R11 = R[[1, 1]], R12 = R[[1, 2]], R13 = R[[1, 3]], R21 = R[[2, 1]], R22 = R[[2, 2]], R23 = R[[2, 3]], R31 = R[[3, 1]], R32 = R[[3, 2]], R33 = R[[3, 3]]},
            {R11^2, 2 R11 R21, 2 R11 R31, R21^2, 2 R21 R31, R31^2},
            {R11 R12, R12 R21+R11 R22, R12 R31+R11 R32, R21 R22, R22 R31+R21 R32, R31 R32},
            {R11 R13, R13 R21+R11 R23, R13 R31+R11 R33, R21 R23, R23 R31+R21 R33, R31 R33},
            {R12^2, 2 R12 R22, 2 R12 R32, R22^2, 2 R22 R32, R32^2},
            {R12 R13, R13 R22+R12 R23, R13 R32+R12 R33, R22 R23, R23 R32+R22 R33, R32 R33},
            {R13^2, 2 R13 R23, 2 R13 R33, R23^2, 2 R23 R33, R33^2}
CompiledSHSpatialHessian[lMax_Integer, selection_:All] := With[{csht = CompiledSHTable[lMax], sel = selection/.{"A1A1"->1, "A1A2"->2, "A1A3"->3, "A2A2"->4, "A2A3"->5, "A3A3"->6, All->{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}}},     
    (*Check option input*)
    If[(!ContainsOnly[sel, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}])||Depth[sel] != 2, Abort[]];

    (*Compile function*)
    Compile[{{Rn1, _Real, 2}, {sHessianxyz, _Complex, 2}},
        Module[{n1 = Rn1.{0, 0, 1}, th, ph, A11A12A13A22A23A33},
            (*Calculate spherical angles of n1*)
            {th, ph} = CartesianToSphericalC[n1][[2;;3]];
            (*Calculate second order spatial derivatives*)
            A11A12A13A22A23A33 = HHessianXYZToHessianA1A2A3CMatrix[sel, Rn1].(sHessianxyz.csht[th, ph])
        RuntimeAttributes->Listable, CompilationOptions->{"InlineCompiledFunctions"->True, "InlineExternalDefinitions"->True}
Ytilde[l_, m_, p_,θ_,ϕ_] := ^(- p ϕ) SphericalHarmonicY[l, m+p,θ,ϕ]; 
k[l_, m_] := -2 (l^2 + l - m^2 );
j[l_, m_] := Sqrt[(l + m + 2) (l - m - 1) (l + m + 1) (l - m)];
h[l_, m_] := 2 m Sqrt[(l - m) (l + m)];
g[l_, m_] := Sqrt[(l - m - 2) (l - m - 1) (l - m) (l + m + 1)];
a[l_, m_] := Sqrt[(l + m) (l + m - 1)];
b[l_, m_] := Sqrt[(l - m) (l + m + 1)];
shA4[l_,m_,θ_,ϕ_] :=  * 1/2 Sqrt[(2 l + 1)/(2 l - 1)] (Ytilde[l - 1, m, - 1 ,θ,ϕ] a[l, m] + Ytilde[l - 1, m, + 1,θ,ϕ] a[l, -m]);

shA5[l_,m_,θ_,ϕ_]:= 1/2 (b[l, m] (Ytilde[l, m, + 1,θ,ϕ]) - b[l, -m] (Ytilde[l, m, - 1,θ,ϕ]) );

shA44[l_,m_,θ_,ϕ_]:= -l (l + 1) SphericalHarmonicY[l, m,θ,ϕ] - shA55[l, m ,θ,ϕ];

shA45[l_,m_,θ_,ϕ_]:= (Sqrt[2 l + 1])/ (4 Sqrt[2 l - 1]) (h[l, m] SphericalHarmonicY[l - 1, m,θ,ϕ] - g[l, -m] Ytilde[l - 1, m, -2,θ,ϕ] + g[l, m] Ytilde[l - 1, m, +2,θ,ϕ]);

shA55[l_,m_,θ_,ϕ_] := 1/4 (k[l, m] Ytilde[l, m,0,θ,ϕ] + j[l, -m] Ytilde[l, m, -2,θ,ϕ] + j[l, m] Ytilde[l, m, +2,θ,ϕ] );
SHA4[lMax_Integer, θ_, ϕ_] := Module[{M,beta,gamma},
    Table[shA4[SHIndexj2l[jp],SHIndexj2m[jp], θ, ϕ],{jp,1,SHIndexlm2j[lMax,lMax]}]

SHA5[lMax_Integer, θ_, ϕ_] := Module[{M,beta,gamma},
    Table[shA5[SHIndexj2l[jp],SHIndexj2m[jp], θ, ϕ],{jp,1,SHIndexlm2j[lMax,lMax]}]
SHA44[lMax_Integer, θ_, ϕ_] := Module[{M,beta,gamma},
    Table[shA44[SHIndexj2l[jp],SHIndexj2m[jp], θ, ϕ],{jp,1,SHIndexlm2j[lMax,lMax]}]

SHA55[lMax_Integer, θ_, ϕ_] := Module[{M,beta,gamma},
    Table[shA55[SHIndexj2l[jp],SHIndexj2m[jp], θ, ϕ],{jp,1,SHIndexlm2j[lMax,lMax]}]

SHA45[lMax_Integer, θ_, ϕ_] := Module[{M,beta,gamma},
    Table[shA45[SHIndexj2l[jp],SHIndexj2m[jp], θ, ϕ],{jp,1,SHIndexlm2j[lMax,lMax]}]
CompiledSHA4[lMax_Integer] := Compile[{th,ph},
    Evaluate[SHA4[lMax, th, ph]],

CompiledSHA5[lMax_Integer] := Compile[{th,ph},
    Evaluate[SHA5[lMax, th, ph]],

CompiledSHA44[lMax_Integer] := Compile[{th,ph},
    Evaluate[SHA44[lMax, th, ph]],

CompiledSHA45[lMax_Integer] := Compile[{th,ph},
    Evaluate[SHA45[lMax, th, ph]],

CompiledSHA55[lMax_Integer] := Compile[{th,ph},
    Evaluate[SHA55[lMax, th, ph]],
SHRotateZYZ[gamma_,beta_,alpha_,s_List] := s.Transpose[SHRotateZYZ[gamma,beta,alpha,SHIndexj2l[Dimensions[s][[-1]]]]];
SHRotateZYZ[gamma_,beta_,alpha_,lMax_Integer] := Module[{M},
    M = ConstantArray[0,{SHIndexlm2j[lMax,lMax],SHIndexlm2j[lMax,lMax]}];
                β = ArcCos[cb];
                γ = ArcTan[R[[1,3]],R[[2,3]]];
                α = ArcTan[-R[[3,1]],R[[3,2]]];,
                γ = 0; β = π; α = ArcTan[R[[2,2]],R[[2,1]]];
            γ=β =0;α=ArcTan[R[[1,1]],R[[2,1]]];
SHRotateR[R_,s_List] := s.Transpose[SHRotateR[R,SHIndexj2l[Dimensions[s][[-1]]]]];
SHRotateR[R_,lMax_Integer] := Module[{M,j,l,m,beta,gamma,alpha},
Rez[α_] := RotationMatrix[α, ez];
Rey[γ_] := RotationMatrix[γ, ey];
Rex[β_] := RotationMatrix[β, ex];

        {Cos[β] Cos[γ],-Sin[γ],Cos[γ] Sin[β]},
        {Cos[β] Sin[γ],Cos[γ],Sin[β] Sin[γ]},
CompiledSHA4A5[lMax_Integer, selection_:All] := 
    With[{csh4 = CompiledSHA4[lMax], csh5 = CompiledSHA5[lMax], Sey = SHRotateR[Rey[-π/2], lMax], Ry = Rey[π/2], ez = {0, 0, 1}, sel = selection/.{"A4"->1, "A5"->2, All->{1, 2}}},
        (*Check option input*)
        If[(!ContainsOnly[sel, {1, 2}])||Depth[sel] != 2, Abort[]];
        (*Compile function*)
        Compile[{{Rn1, _Real, 2}, {s, _Complex, 1}},
            Module[{n1 = Rn1.ez, closeToEz, th, ph, A4, A5, RalphaTilde, Rnα0, n2},
                (*Calculate spherical angles*)
                {th, ph} = CartesianToSphericalC[n1][[2;;3]];
                Rnα0 = RotateZYAngles[th, ph];

                (*Calculate alpha difference RalphaTilde*)
                RalphaTilde = Transpose[Rnα0].Rn1;
                (*Calculate first order angular derivatives*)
                A4 = s.csh4[th, ph];
                A5 = s.csh5[th, ph];
                (*Rotate using RalphaTilde*)
                (RalphaTilde[[1;;2, 1;;2]].{A4, A5})[[sel]]
        RuntimeAttributes->Listable, CompilationOptions->{"InlineCompiledFunctions"->True, "InlineExternalDefinitions"->True}]
CompiledSHA44A45A55[lMax_Integer, selection_:All] := 
    With[{csh44 = CompiledSHA44[lMax], csh45 = CompiledSHA45[lMax], csh55 = CompiledSHA55[lMax], Sey = SHRotateR[Rey[-π/2], lMax], Ry = Rey[π/2], ez = {0, 0, 1}, sel = selection/.{"A4A4"->1, "A4A5"->2, "A5A5"->4, All->{1, 2, 4}}},
        (*Check option input*)
        If[(!ContainsOnly[sel, {1, 2, 4}])||Depth[sel] != 2, Abort[]];
        (*Compile function*)
        Compile[{{Rn1, _Real, 2}, {s, _Complex, 1}},
            Module[{n1 = Rn1.ez, th, ph, A44, A45, A55, RalphaTilde, Rnα0},
                (*Calculate spherical angles*)
                {th, ph} = CartesianToSphericalC[n1][[2;;3]];
                Rnα0 = RotateZYAngles[th, ph];

                (*Calculate alpha difference RalphaTilde*)
                RalphaTilde = Transpose[Rnα0].Rn1;

                (*Calculate second order angular derivatives*)
                A44 = s.csh44[th, ph];
                A45 = s.csh45[th, ph];
                A55 = s.csh55[th, ph];

                (*Rotate using RalphaTilde*)
                Flatten[(RalphaTilde[[1;;2, 1;;2]]).{{A44, A45}, {A45, A55}}.(Transpose[RalphaTilde][[1;;2, 1;;2]]), 1][[sel]]
        RuntimeAttributes->Listable, CompilationOptions->{"InlineCompiledFunctions"->True, "InlineExternalDefinitions"->True}]
CompiledSHMixedDerivativesFromGradientR3[lMax_Integer, selection_:All] := 
    With[{csh4 = CompiledSHA4[lMax], csh5 = CompiledSHA5[lMax], Sey = SHRotateR[Rey[-π/2], lMax], Ry = Rey[π/2], ez = {0, 0, 1}, sel = selection/.{"A1A4"->1, "A2A4"->2, "A3A4"->3, "A1A5"->4, "A2A5"->5, "A3A5"->6, All->{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}}},
        (*Check option input*)
        If[(!ContainsOnly[sel, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}])||Depth[sel] != 2, Abort[]];
        (*Compile function*)
        Compile[{{Rn1, _Real, 2}, {sGradR3, _Complex, 2}},
            Module[{n1 = Rn1.ez, th, ph, A4, A5, RalphaTilde, Rnα0},
                (*Calculate spherical angles*)
                {th, ph} = CartesianToSphericalC[n1][[2;;3]];
                Rnα0 = RotateZYAngles[th, ph];

                (*Calculate alpha difference RalphaTilde*)
                RalphaTilde = Transpose[Rnα0].Rn1;
                (*Calculate first order angular derivatives*)
                A4 = sGradR3.csh4[th, ph];
                A5 = sGradR3.csh5[th, ph];
                (*Rotate using RalphaTilde*)
                Flatten[RalphaTilde[[1;;2, 1;;2]].{A4, A5}.(Rn1)][[sel]]
        RuntimeAttributes->Listable, CompilationOptions->{"InlineCompiledFunctions"->True, "InlineExternalDefinitions"->True}]
HCalculateDerivatives::usage = "HCalculateDerivatives[s,\!\(\*SuperscriptBox[\(s\), \(\)]\),\!\(\*SuperscriptBox[\(s\), \(H\)]\), R, L , derivativeList] calculates the derivatives specified by derivativeList from s(x,·): the spherical harmonic coefficients of V(x,·), \!\(\*SuperscriptBox[\(s\), \(\)]\)(·,x,·): the spherical harmonic coefficients of \!\(\*SubscriptBox[\(\), SuperscriptBox[\(\), \(3\)]]\)V(x,·), \!\(\*SuperscriptBox[\(s\), \(H\)]\)(·,x,·): the spherical harmonic coefficients of \!\(\*SubscriptBox[\(H\), SuperscriptBox[\(R\), \(3\)]]\)V(x,·) and list of 3D rotations R\nInput should have the following dimensions [s]={\!\(\*SubscriptBox[\(N\), \(pos\)]\),j(L,L)}, [\!\(\*SuperscriptBox[\(s\), \(\)]\)]={3, \!\(\*SubscriptBox[\(N\), \(pos\)]\),j(L,L)}, [\!\(\*SuperscriptBox[\(s\), \(H\)]\)]={6,\!\(\*SubscriptBox[\(N\), \(pos\)]\),j(L,L)}, [R]={\!\(\*SubscriptBox[\(N\), \(pos\)]\),\!\(\*SubscriptBox[\(N\), \(o\)]\),3,3}, and derivativeList should be a list containing all or a subset of {'A1','A2','A3','A1A1','A1A2','A1A3','A2A2','A2A3','A3A3','A4','A5','A4A4','A4A5','A5A5','A1A4','A2A4','A3A4','A1A5','A2A5','A3A5'}";
HCalculateDerivatives[sV_, sGradientXYZ_, sHessianXYZ_, Rn_, lMax_, derList_] := Module[{mixedDer, firstOrderSpatialDerivatives, secondOrderSpatialDerivatives, firstOrderAngularDerivatives, secondOrderAngularDerivatives, mixedDerivatives, A1A2A3, A4A5, A44A45A55, A11A12A13A22A23A33},
    firstOrderSpatialDerivatives = Intersection[derList, {"A1", "A2", "A3"}];
    If[firstOrderSpatialDerivatives =!= {},
        t = AbsoluteTiming[A1A2A3 = Chop[Transpose[CompiledSHA1A2A3[lMax, firstOrderSpatialDerivatives][Rn, Transpose[sGradientXYZ]], {2, 3, 1}]];][[1]];
        Print["Derivative(s)" <> StringRiffle[firstOrderSpatialDerivatives, {"(", ", ", ")"}] <> " calculated (" <>ToString[t]<>"s)"];

    secondOrderSpatialDerivatives = Intersection[derList, {"A1A1", "A1A2", "A1A3", "A2A2", "A2A3", "A3A3"}];
    If[secondOrderSpatialDerivatives =!= {},
        t = AbsoluteTiming[A11A12A13A22A23A33 = Chop[Transpose[CompiledSHSpatialHessian[lMax, secondOrderSpatialDerivatives][Rn, Transpose[sHessianXYZ]], {2, 3, 1}]];][[1]];
        Print["Derivative(s)" <> StringRiffle[secondOrderSpatialDerivatives, {"(", ", ", ")"}] <> " calculated (" <>ToString[t]<>"s)"];

    firstOrderAngularDerivatives = Intersection[derList, {"A4", "A5"}];
    If[firstOrderAngularDerivatives =!= {},
        t = AbsoluteTiming[A4A5 = Chop[Transpose[CompiledSHA4A5[lMax, firstOrderAngularDerivatives][Rn, sV], {2, 3, 1}]];][[1]];
        Print["Derivative(s)" <> StringRiffle[firstOrderAngularDerivatives, {"(", ", ", ")"}] <> " calculated (" <>ToString[t]<>"s)"];
    secondOrderAngularDerivatives = Intersection[derList, {"A4A4", "A4A5", "A5A5"}];
    If[secondOrderAngularDerivatives =!= {},
        t = AbsoluteTiming[A44A45A55 = Chop[Transpose[CompiledSHA44A45A55[lMax, secondOrderAngularDerivatives][Rn, sV], {2, 3, 1}]];][[1]];
        Print["Derivative(s)" <> StringRiffle[secondOrderAngularDerivatives, {"(", ", ", ")"}] <> " calculated (" <>ToString[t]<>"s)"];

    mixedDerivatives = Intersection[derList, {"A1A4", "A2A4", "A3A4", "A1A5", "A2A5", "A3A5"}];
    If[mixedDerivatives =!= {},
        t = AbsoluteTiming[mixedDer = Transpose[CompiledSHMixedDerivativesFromGradientR3[lMax, mixedDerivatives][Rn, Transpose@sGradientXYZ], {2, 3, 1}];][[1]];
        Print["Derivative(s)" <> StringRiffle[mixedDerivatives, {"(", ", ", ")"}] <> " calculated (" <>ToString[t]<>"s)"];

    Chop[derList /.Join[
                    If[firstOrderSpatialDerivatives =!= {}, MapThread[#1->#2&, {firstOrderSpatialDerivatives, A1A2A3}], {}],
                    If[secondOrderSpatialDerivatives =!= {}, MapThread[#1->#2&, {secondOrderSpatialDerivatives, A11A12A13A22A23A33}], {}],
                    If[firstOrderAngularDerivatives =!= {}, MapThread[#1->#2&, {firstOrderAngularDerivatives, A4A5}], {}],
                    If[secondOrderAngularDerivatives =!= {}, MapThread[#1->#2&, {secondOrderAngularDerivatives, A44A45A55}], {}],
                    If[mixedDerivatives =!= {}, MapThread[#1->#2&, {mixedDerivatives, mixedDer}], {}]

LeftInvariantHessianUsingSphericalHarmonics[oso_/;Head[oso]===Obj3DPositionOrientationData, lMax_,σInternal_] := LeftInvariantHessianUsingSphericalHarmonics[oso["Data","Real"], oso[["Wavelets"]][["OrientationList"]], lMax,σInternal]
LeftInvariantHessianUsingSphericalHarmonics[OS_, orientations_, lMax_,σInternal_] := Module[{Rn, A11,A12,A13,A22,A23,A33, A34, A35, A44, A45, A55, A1, A2,A14,A24,A3,A15,A25,A4,A5, A6, hessian, σSpat, σAng,sV, sGradientXYZ, sHessianXYZ,s,dim,R},        
    {σSpat, σAng} = σInternal;
    (*Initialize rotation matrices*)
    Rn = Map[RotateZY[Sequence@@#]&, orientations];

    (*Calculate spherical harmonic coeffiecients*)
    t = AbsoluteTiming[s = PseudoInverseiDSHT[orientations, lMax, OS];][[1]];
    Print["Spherical Harmonic Transform performed (" <>ToString[t]<>"s)"];
    (*Calculate first order and second order spatial derivatives*)
    t = AbsoluteTiming[{sV, sGradientXYZ, sHessianXYZ} = HRegularizeAndPrepareSpatialDerivativesXYZ[s, lMax, σSpat, σAng];][[1]];
    Print["Spatial Derivatives Calculated (" <>ToString[t]<>"s)"];
    (*Flatten dimensions*)
    dim = Dimensions[OS];
    R = Flatten[ConstantArray[Rn, dim[[1;;3]]], 2];
    sHessianXYZ = Transpose@Flatten[Transpose[sHessianXYZ, {4, 1, 2, 3, 5}], 2];
    sGradientXYZ = Transpose@Flatten[Transpose[sGradientXYZ, {4, 1, 2, 3, 5}], 2];
    sV = Flatten[sV, 2];
    (*Calculate derivatives*)        
    {A11,A12,A13,A22,A23,A33, A34, A35, A44, A45, A55, A1, A2,A4,A5,A14,A24,A3,A15,A25} = HCalculateDerivatives[sV, sGradientXYZ, sHessianXYZ, R, lMax, {"A1A1","A1A2","A1A3","A2A2","A2A3","A3A3", "A3A4", "A3A5", "A4A4", "A4A5", "A5A5", "A1", "A2", "A4", "A5","A1A4","A2A4","A3","A1A5","A2A5"}];
    A6 = 0*A1;
    (*Build Hessian*)        
    hessian = Transpose[
            {A11,    A12,    A13,    A14,    A15-A3,    A2        },
            {A12,    A22,    A23,    A24+A3,    A25,    -A1        },
            {A13,    A23,    A33,    A34-A2,    A35+A1, A6        },
            {A14,    A24,    A34,    A44,    A45,    A5        },
            {A15,    A25,     A35,     A45,     A55,    -A4        },
            {A6,    A6,        A6,        A6,        A6,        A6        }
HesAToHesB = Compile[{{hes, _Real, 2}, {R, _Real, 2}}, R.hes.Transpose[R], RuntimeAttributes{Listable}];
Structureness[os_, RGaugeFrame_, σInternal_,lMax_] := Module[{hes,hesB,B11,B22,B33,B44,B55,B66,str},
    hes = LeftInvariantHessianUsingSphericalHarmonics[os["FullData","Real"], os[["Wavelets"]]["FullOrientationList"], lMax,σInternal];
    hesB = HesAToHesB[hes,RGaugeFrame];
    {B11,B22,B33,B44,B55,B66} = Table[hesBAll,All,All,All,i,i,{i,1,6}];
    str = -(B11+B22+B44+B55+B66);

Left Invariant Diffusion in the direction of the Gauge Frames

ExponentialCurveSE3PositionAndOrientationAtgC = Compile[{{c, _Real, 1}, {x, _Real, 1}, {R, _Real, 2}, {t, _Real}}, 
    Module[{q, c1, Ω, x1, n1},
        q = Norm[c[[4;;6]]];
        Ω = ({{0, -c[[6]], c[[5]]}, {c[[6]], 0, -c[[4]]}, {-c[[5]], c[[4]], 0}});
        c1 = {c[[1]], c[[2]], c[[3]]};
        x1 = If[q == 0, t*c1, t*c1+(1-Cos[q*t])/q^2 Ω.c1+(t/q^2-Sin[q*t]/q^3) Ω.Ω.c1];
        n1 = If[q == 0, {0, 0, 1}, {0, 0, 1}+Sin[q*t]/q( Ω[[All, 3]])+(1-Cos[q*t])/q^2 (Ω.Ω)[[All, 3]]];
        {R.x1+x, R.n1}
    ], RuntimeAttributes->Listable
SpatialInterpolationFactors = Compile[{{pos, _Real, 1}}, 
    Module[{interPolationFactors, rest, x,y,z},
        rest = pos - Floor[pos];
        {x, y, z} = rest;
        interPolationFactors = {
            (1-x) (1-y) (1-z),
            (1-x) (1-y) z,
            (1-x) y (1-z),
            (1-x) y z,
            x (1-y) (1-z),
            x (1-y) z,
            x y (1-z),
            x y z
    ], RuntimeAttributes -> {Listable}
Inverse3x3C = Compile[{{mat3x3, _Real, 2}}, 
    Module[{a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, det},
        {{a, b, c}, {d, e, f}, {g, h, i}} = mat3x3;
        det = -c e g+b f g+c d h-a f h-b d i+a e i;
            {(-f h+e i)/det, (c h-b i)/det, (-c e+b f)/det},
            {(f g-d i)/det, (-c g+a i)/det, (c d-a f)/det},
            {(-e g+d h)/det, (b g-a h)/det, (-b d+a e)/det}
Triangles[orientations_List, topology_List] := Triangles[orientations, topology] = Map[orientations[[#]]&, topology, {2}];

JoinedTriangles[orientations_List, topology_List] := JoinedTriangles[orientations, topology] = Position[topology, elem_/;elem == #][[All, 1]]&/@Range[Length[orientations]];

CrossProducts[triangles_List] := CrossProducts[triangles] = Map[{#[[1]]#[[2]], #[[2]]#[[3]], #[[3]]#[[1]]}&, triangles, {1}];

Sides[triangles_List] := Sides[triangles] = Map[{Sign[#[[1]]#[[2]].#[[3]]], Sign[#[[2]]#[[3]].#[[1]]], Sign[#[[3]]#[[1]].#[[2]]]}&, triangles, {1}];
IndexNearestOrientationC = Compile[{{n, _Real, 1}, {orientations, _Real, 2}}, 
    Module[{nearest, i, d, mind},
        d = Map[Norm[# - n] &, orientations];
        mind = Min[d];
        i = Position[d, mind][[1, 1]];
        If[i >= 1, i, 1]]
AngularInterpolationFactors[or_List, orientations_, topology_] := Module[{triangles = Triangles[orientations, topology], joinedtriangles = JoinedTriangles[orientations, topology], crossproducts, sides, maxLength}, 
    maxLength = Max[Map[Length, joinedtriangles]];
    joinedtriangles = Map[ArrayPad[#, {0, maxLength-Length[#]}]&, joinedtriangles];
    crossproducts = CrossProducts[triangles];
    sides = N[Sides[triangles]];
    AngularInterpolationFactorsPreComputedC[or, orientations, topology, crossproducts, triangles, joinedtriangles, sides]

AngularInterpolationFactorsPreComputedC = Compile[{{or, _Real, 1}, {orientations, _Real, 2}, {topology, _Integer, 2}, {crossproducts, _Real, 3}, {triangles, _Real, 3}, {joinedtriangles, _Integer, 2}, {sides, _Real, 2}},
    Module[{range, e1, e2, u, row, triangle, triangleid, pos, iNearest, indices, weights},
        iNearest = IndexNearestOrientationC[or, orientations];
        If[MemberQ[orientations, or],
            indices = {iNearest, iNearest, iNearest};
            weights = {1., 0., 0.};
            (*Select possible triangles by finding triangles connected to the nearest orientation*)
            range = joinedtriangles[[iNearest]];
            (*Select triangle*)
            pos = 1;
            While[pos<Length[range]&&range[[pos]] != 0 && (UnitStep[crossproducts[[range[[pos]], All, #]].or]*sides[[range[[pos]], #]]&/@Range[3]) != {1, 1, 1},
            triangleid = range[[pos]];
            (*Calculate weights and indices*)
            triangle = triangles[[triangleid]];
            e1 = triangle[[2]]-triangle[[1]];
            e2 = triangle[[3]]-triangle[[1]];
            u = Inverse3x3C[{e1, e2, or}].(or-triangle[[1]]);
            weights = {(1.-u[[1]]-u[[2]]), u[[1]], u[[2]]};
            indices = topology[[triangleid]];
        {indices, weights}
    ], RuntimeAttributes->Listable, CompilationOptions -> {"InlineExternalDefinitions" -> True, "InlineCompiledFunctions" -> True}
PrepareInterpolationStep[c_, h_, orientations_, topology_] := Module[{Rn, step, pos, or, floorsS, factS, res, factA, indicesA}, 
    (*Initialize rotation matrices*)
    Rn = Map[RotateZY[Sequence@@#]&, orientations];

    (*Determine orientation and position of step over exponential curve*)
    step = MapIndexed[ExponentialCurveSE3PositionAndOrientationAtgC[#1, #2[[1;;3]], Rn, h]&, c, {3}];
    or = step[[All, All, All, All, 2]];
    pos = step[[All, All, All, All, 1]]+1;

    (*Calculate floor and spatial interpolation stencil*)
    floorsS = Floor[pos];
    factS = SpatialInterpolationFactors[pos];

    (*Calculate indices of the vertices used in interpolation and calculate angular interpolation stencil*)
    res = AngularInterpolationFactors[or, orientations, topology];
    factA = res[[All, All, All, All, 2]];
    indicesA = Round[res[[All, All, All, All, 1]]];

    {floorsS, indicesA, factS, factA}

PrepareInterpolation[c_, h_, orientations_, topology_] := Module[{intFactorsAndIndicesF, intFactorsAndIndicesB},
    intFactorsAndIndicesF = PrepareInterpolationStep[c, h, orientations, topology];
    intFactorsAndIndicesB = PrepareInterpolationStep[c, -h, orientations, topology];
    {intFactorsAndIndicesF, intFactorsAndIndicesB}
ExplicitIntegration[U_, Q_, t_List, Δt_] := Module[{output = U, i = 1,tEnd = t-1,tCurrent,outputAll = {}},
    For[tCurrent = 0, tCurrent tEnd, tCurrent+= Δt,
        (*See if current endtime has been reached*)
        If[tCurrent + $MachineEpsilon ti, AppendTo[outputAll,output]; i++];
        (*Perform diffusion step*)
        output = output+Δt*Q[output];

ExplicitIntegration[U_, Q_, t_, Δt_] := ExplicitIntegration[U, Q, {t}, Δt]1;
AngularStepsizeCheck[intf_] := Module[{allInterpolationContainIndex}, 
    allInterpolationContainIndex = Map[Intersection[#]&, Transpose[Flatten[Transpose[Flatten[intf[[All, 2]], 3], {2, 3, 1}], 1]]];
    And@@MapIndexed[MemberQ[#1, #2[[1]]]&, allInterpolationContainIndex]
LinearInterpolateOSFactorsPrecalculatedC = Compile[{{data, _Real, 4}, {floors, _Integer, 1}, {indices, _Integer, 1}, {interPolationFactors, _Real, 1}, {interPolationFactorsAngular, _Real, 1}}, 
    Module[{dataDim, dataAtIntegerIndices, spatInterPolatedData, interPolatedData, rest, res},
        dataAtIntegerIndices = Flatten[data[[floors[[1]] ;; floors[[1]] + 1, floors[[2]] ;; floors[[2]] + 1, floors[[3]] ;; floors[[3]] + 1, indices]], 2];
        spatInterPolatedData = Total[dataAtIntegerIndices*interPolationFactors];
        interPolatedData = spatInterPolatedData.interPolationFactorsAngular;
    ], RuntimeAttributes -> {Listable}, CompilationOptions -> {"InlineExternalDefinitions" -> True, "InlineCompiledFunctions" -> True}
GroupDifferenceExponentialCurvePrepared[U_, preparedInterpolationFactors_, h_] := Module[{Upad, Uf, Ub}, 
    Upad = ArrayPad[U, 1, "Reversed"][[All, All, All, 2;;-2]];
    Uf = LinearInterpolateOSFactorsPrecalculatedC[Upad, Sequence@@preparedInterpolationFactors[[1]]];
    Ub = LinearInterpolateOSFactorsPrecalculatedC[Upad, Sequence@@preparedInterpolationFactors[[2]]];
LIDGAUGE::stabilitycriterion = "Old stability criterion (for non gauge case) is still used";
LIDGAUGE::spatstepLarge = "Spatial stepsize is larger than 1 pixel";
LIDGAUGE::angstepLarge = "Angular stepsize too large (point used in interpolation does not lie in connected mesh triangle)";
Options[LeftInvariantDiffusionGauge] = {DeltaT->Automatic, "StepSize"->0.8};

LeftInvariantDiffusionGauge[os_/;Head[os]===Obj3DPositionOrientationData, RG_, D11_, D33_, D44_, t_/;NumberQ[t], muFrame_, opt___:OptionsPattern[]] := LeftInvariantDiffusionGauge[os, RG, D11, D33, D44, {t}, muFrame, opt]1;
LeftInvariantDiffusionGauge[os_/;Head[os]===Obj3DPositionOrientationData, RG_, D11_, D33_, D44_, t_List, muFrame_, opt___:OptionsPattern[]] := Module[
    {dataDif, orientations = os[["Wavelets"]]["FullOrientationList"], topology = os[["Wavelets"]]["FullTopology"]},
    dataDif = LeftInvariantDiffusionGauge[os["FullData","Real"], orientations, topology, RG, D11, D33, D44, t, muFrame, opt];
    Affix[os,"Data" #]&/@dataDif

LeftInvariantDiffusionGauge[U_List, orientations_List, topology_List, RG_, D11_, D33_, D44_, t_, muFrame_, OptionsPattern[]] :=
Module[{integrator, Q, StabilityCriterion, dt = OptionValue["DeltaT"], spatialstepsizeMax, angularstepsizeMax, h = OptionValue["StepSize"], intF1, intF2, intF3, intF4, intF5, intF6},
    If[(h*Max@Sqrt[(Total[(Flatten[RG, Depth[RG]-3][[All, 1;;3]])^2, {2}])])>0.999, Message[LIDGAUGE::spatstepLarge]];
    (*mu-orthogonal frame*)
    spatialstepsizeMax = h/muFrame; (*Stepsize in pixels for pure spatial step*)
    angularstepsizeMax = h;(*Angular stepsize for pure angular step*)
    (*(*Other frame*)
    spatialstepsizeMax = h*Max@Sqrt[(Total[(Flatten[RG, Depth[RG]-3]All, 1;;3)^2, {2}])];
    angularstepsizeMax = h*Max@Sqrt[(Total[(Flatten[RG, Depth[RG]-3]All, 4;;6)^2, {2}])];*)
    (*Set dt to be equal to the stability bound if it is not specified in advance, otherwise use user input value*)
    StabilityCriterion = 1/((2 Max[D33]/muFrame^2 + 4 Max[D11]/muFrame^2)/spatialstepsizeMax^2+(4Max[D44])/angularstepsizeMax^2);
    If[dt == Automatic, dt = StabilityCriterion];
    (*Print grid with stepsizes*)
    Grid[{{"Maximum Spatial stepsize", spatialstepsizeMax},
        {"Maximum Angular stepsize", angularstepsizeMax},
        {"Timestep", dt}}]];
    (*Choose integrator*)
    integrator = ExplicitIntegration[#1, #2, #3, #4]&;
    If[dt>StabilityCriterion && integrator === (ExplicitIntegration[#1, #2, #3, #4]&),
        Message[ContourEnhancement::instable, StabilityCriterion]
    (*Prepare interpolationfactors*)
    intF1 = If[D11 =!= 0, (PrepareInterpolation[RG[[All, All, All, All, 1]], h, orientations, topology]), 0];
    intF2 = If[D11 =!= 0, (PrepareInterpolation[RG[[All, All, All, All, 2]], h, orientations, topology]), 0];
    intF3 = If[D33 =!= 0, (PrepareInterpolation[RG[[All, All, All, All, 3]], h, orientations, topology]), 0];
    intF4 = If[D44 =!= 0, (PrepareInterpolation[RG[[All, All, All, All, 4]], h, orientations, topology]), 0];
    intF5 = If[D44 =!= 0, (PrepareInterpolation[RG[[All, All, All, All, 5]], h, orientations, topology]), 0];
    intF6 = If[D44 =!= 0, (PrepareInterpolation[RG[[All, All, All, All, 6]], h, orientations, topology]), 0];
    (*If[!And@@Map[AngularStepsizeCheck, {intF1, intF2, intF3, intF4, intF5, intF6}], Message[LIDGAUGE::angstepLarge]];*)
    (*Form the Q-function needed by the integrators. Note this is only done symbolically*)
    Q[W_] := (
            If[D11 === 0, 0, D11 (GroupDifferenceExponentialCurvePrepared[W, intF1, h]
                                + GroupDifferenceExponentialCurvePrepared[W, intF2, h])
            + If[D33 === 0, 0, D33 GroupDifferenceExponentialCurvePrepared[W, intF3, h]]
            + If[D44 === 0, 0, D44 (GroupDifferenceExponentialCurvePrepared[W, intF4, h]
                                + GroupDifferenceExponentialCurvePrepared[W, intF5, h]
                                + GroupDifferenceExponentialCurvePrepared[W, intF6, h])
    (*Do actual diffusion and return result*)
    Return[integrator[U, Q, t, dt]]

Left Invariant Gradient

LeftInvariantGradientUsingSphericalHarmonics[oso_/;Head[oso]===Obj3DPositionOrientationData, lMax_,σInternal_] := LeftInvariantGradientUsingSphericalHarmonics[oso["FullData","Real"], oso[["Wavelets"]]["FullOrientationList"], lMax,σInternal];
LeftInvariantGradientUsingSphericalHarmonics[OS_, orientations_, lMax_,σInternal_] := Module[{Rn, A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6, hessian, σSpat, σAng,sV, sGradientXYZ, sHessianXYZ,s,dim,R},        
    {σSpat, σAng} = σInternal;
    (*Initialize rotation matrices*)
    Rn = Map[RotateZY[Sequence@@#]&, orientations];

    (*Calculate spherical harmonic coeffiecients*)
    t = AbsoluteTiming[s = PseudoInverseiDSHT[orientations, lMax, OS];][[1]];
    Print["Spherical Harmonic Transform performed (" <>ToString[t]<>"s)"];
    (*Calculate first order and second order spatial derivatives*)
    t = AbsoluteTiming[{sV, sGradientXYZ, sHessianXYZ} = HRegularizeAndPrepareSpatialDerivativesXYZ[s, lMax, σSpat, σAng];][[1]];
    Print["Spatial Derivatives Calculated (" <>ToString[t]<>"s)"];
    (*Flatten dimensions*)
    dim = Dimensions[OS];
    R = Flatten[ConstantArray[Rn, dim[[1;;3]]], 2];
    sHessianXYZ = Transpose@Flatten[Transpose[sHessianXYZ, {4, 1, 2, 3, 5}], 2];
    sGradientXYZ = Transpose@Flatten[Transpose[sGradientXYZ, {4, 1, 2, 3, 5}], 2];
    sV = Flatten[sV, 2];
    (*Calculate derivatives*)        
    {A1,A2,A3,A4,A5} = HCalculateDerivatives[sV, sGradientXYZ, sHessianXYZ, R, lMax, {"A1","A2","A3","A4","A5"}];
    A6 = 0*A1;
    (*Build Hessian*)        
    hessian = Transpose[Developer`ToPackedArray@{A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6},{3,1,2}];
GradAToGradB = Compile[{{grad, _Real, 1}, {R, _Real, 2}}, R.grad, RuntimeAttributes{Listable}];

V3D Import and Export Functions (for AIXIA viewer)

LoadAndPartitionDataV3D[if_, zdim_,ydim_,xdim_,bitDepth_] := Module[{data, type = Switch[bitDepth, 16, "UnsignedInteger16", 32,"UnsignedInteger32",_,"UnsignedInteger16"]},
    data = ArrayReshape[
        BinaryReadList[if, type, zdim*ydim*xdim],
        {zdim, ydim, xdim}];

LoadDataV3D[fn_] := Module[{if,isFiltered,zdim, ydim, xdim,data, voxelSize, bitDepth,percentage, centerPosition, metaData, version},
    if = OpenRead[fn, BinaryFormat -> True];
    (*Import version*)
    version = StringJoin@BinaryReadList[if, "Character8", 40];
    (*Import data dimension*)
    {xdim, ydim, zdim} = BinaryReadList[if, "UnsignedInteger32", 3];
    (*Import voxels size*)
    voxelSize = BinaryReadList[if, "Real64", 3];
    (*Import data center*)
    centerPosition = BinaryReadList[if, "Real64", 3];

    (*Import BitDepth*)
    bitDepth = BinaryRead[if, "UnsignedInteger32"];

    (*Import percentage ???? Nobody knows what it is ???? *)
    percentage = BinaryRead[if, "UnsignedInteger32"];
    (*Import slope and intercept*)
    isFiltered = BinaryRead[if, "UnsignedInteger32"];
    (*Import data and partition*)
    data = LoadAndPartitionDataV3D[if, zdim, ydim, xdim,bitDepth];
    (*Close file and return results*)
    metaData = {"Version"-> version, "BitDepth" -> bitDepth, "VoxelSize"-> voxelSize, "Center"-> centerPosition, "IsFiltered"-> isFiltered, "Percentage" -> percentage, "Dimensions" -> {zdim, ydim, xdim}};

SaveDataV3D::mtd = "Metadata does not contain all required fields or no meta data is given. Default values are chosen for the following fields: `1`";
SaveDataV3D[fn_, data_, metaData_:{}] := Module[{if,isFiltered, dataDimensions, voxelSize, bitDepth,percentage, centerPosition, version, type, allKeys, givenFields, missingFields,defaultValues},
    (*Open write file*)
    if = OpenWrite[fn, BinaryFormat -> True];
    (*Check which keys are present in metadata*)
    allKeys = {"Version", "BitDepth","VoxelSize","Center","IsFiltered","Percentage"};
    givenFields = Intersection[allKeys,Keys@metaData];
    missingFields = Complement[allKeys,Keys@metaData];
    defaultValues = {
        "Version" -> StringJoin["3D-RA R6.1",StringRepeat[" ", 40 - StringLength["3D-RA R6.1"]]],
        "BitDepth" -> 0,
        "VoxelSize" -> {1.,1.,1.},
        "Center" -> {0,0,0},
        "IsFiltered" -> 0,
        "Percentage" -> 100
    If[missingFields =!= {}, Message[SaveDataV3D::mtd,missingFields]];
    {version, bitDepth,voxelSize,centerPosition,isFiltered,percentage} = {"Version", "BitDepth","VoxelSize","Center","IsFiltered","Percentage"}/.metaData/.defaultValues;
    dataDimensions = Reverse@Dimensions[data];
    (*Save version*)
    BinaryWrite[if, version, "Character8"];
    (*Save data dimension*)
    BinaryWrite[if, dataDimensions, "UnsignedInteger32"];
    (*Save voxels size*)
    BinaryWrite[if, voxelSize, "Real64"];
    (*Save data center*)
    BinaryWrite[if, centerPosition, "Real64"];

    (*Save BitDepth*)
    BinaryWrite[if, bitDepth, "UnsignedInteger32"];

    (*Save percentage ???? Nobody knows what it is ???? *)
    BinaryWrite[if, percentage, "UnsignedInteger32"];
    (*Save slope and intercept*)
    BinaryWrite[if, isFiltered, "UnsignedInteger32"];
    (*Save data*)
    type = Switch[bitDepth, 16, "UnsignedInteger16", 32,"UnsignedInteger32",_,"UnsignedInteger16"];
    BinaryWrite[if, data, type];
    (*Close file and return results*)

Enhancing Diffusion on Artificial Data

Example Data

Create example data and add some random noise
Click for copyable input
Click for copyable input
Click for copyable input

CEDOS via Left-Invariant Structure Tensor

Compute position orientation data
Click for copyable input
parameters to compute the structureness
Click for copyable input
Click for copyable input
Click for copyable input
Diffusion constants
Click for copyable input
Click for copyable input
Click for copyable input
Click for copyable input
Click for copyable input
Click for copyable input
Compute the inverse orientation score transform from each time-step
Click for copyable input
Show the original data versus the enhanced
Click for copyable input

CEDOS via Left-Invariant Hessian

Compute position orientation data
Click for copyable input
parameters to compute the structureness
Click for copyable input
Click for copyable input
Click for copyable input
Diffusion constants
Click for copyable input
Click for copyable input
Click for copyable input
Click for copyable input
Click for copyable input
Click for copyable input
Compute the inverse orientation score transform from each time-step
Click for copyable input
Show the original data versus the enhanced
Click for copyable input

CEDOS on Real Data

Real data
Click for copyable input
Compute position orientation data
Click for copyable input
parameters to compute the structureness
Click for copyable input
Click for copyable input
Click for copyable input
Diffusion constants
Click for copyable input
Click for copyable input
Click for copyable input
Click for copyable input
Click for copyable input
Click for copyable input
Compute the inverse orientation score transform from each time-step
Click for copyable input
Show the original data versus the enhanced
Click for copyable input

On the complete dataset requires special hardware: