
OrientationScoreTransform[data, ObjOrientationWavelet]
constructs an Orientation Score from data using the supplied ObjOrientationWavelet

OrientationScoreTransform[data, options]
constructs an Orientation Score from data using wavelets constructed with the parameters supplied in options


  • OrientationScoreTransform internally uses the function CakeWaveletStack or GaborWaveletStack if no ObjOrientationWavelet is supplied.
  • The following options can be provided:
  • "WaveletSize"21the size of the wavelet
    "Type""Cake"type of wavelet
    "Orientations"12number of orientations
  • The following types of wavelets can be used:
  • "Cake"Cake Wavelets
    "Gabor"Orientation Sensitive Gabor Wavelets
    "MultiScaleCake"Cake Wavelets and Scales
  • The Orientation Score is constructed according to: , where ψ is the anisotropic kernel oriented along the x-axis which we identify with θ = 0, and where W_psi denotes the transformation between image f and orientation score U_f.
  • All options from both CakeWaveletStack, GaborWaveletStack and MultiScaleCakeWaveletStack can also be provided. Obviously only the options that are valid for this "Type" are used.
  • The default output is an ObjPositionOrientationData. In case a multi scale cake wavelet, constructed using MultiScaleCakeWaveletStack, is used the output is an ObjOrientationScores2D.
  • By Applying the Normal function to any output object returns an Association from all elements of that object.
  • If possible, the function OrientationScoreTransform makes use of symmetry at the orientation axes to save memory and computation time.
  • When an odd number of orientations or the wavelets are directional symmetry can not be used.
  • Internally the data is saved as Image to limit the precision to Real32 values.

ExamplesExamplesopen allclose all

Basic Examples  (4)Basic Examples  (4)

Construct an Orientation Score from an image

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Construct an Orientation Score using precomputed GaborWaveletStack

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Construct an Orientation Score using precomputed MultiScaleCakeWaveletStack

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The ObjPositionOrientationData and ObjScaleOrientationScores2D contain properties and elements. For example if we would like to see the used wavelets, we can get them by using the element wavelets.

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