Processing on 3D Images

CakeWaveletStack3Dconstructs a ObjCakeWavelet3D which can be used by OrientationScoreTransform to construct an orientation score
OrientationScoreTransform3Dconstructs an Obj3DPositionOrientationData which represents an orientation score using an ObjOrientationWavelet3D
InverseOrientationScoreTransform3Dapplies reconstruction to Obj3DPositionOrientationData
LeftInvariantDerivatives3Dcomputes the left-invariant derivatives from Obj3DPositionOrientationData
OrientationScoreGaugeFrames3Dcomputes a data-adaptive frame from Obj3DPositionOrientationData
FastMarchingcomputes the shortest path between seeds and tips
GlyphPlotvisualization of the Obj3DPositionOrientationData

Functions which can be used in 3d image processing.

Loads the LieAnalysis package
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Orientation Scores

An orientation score Uf of a function f can be constructed by means of convolution with some anisotropic filter ψ. There is much common ground between the Orientation Scores in 2D and 3D, however implementations differ quite much as the complexity of Orientation Scores from 3D images is much higher. Therefor the functions that work with Orientation Scores from 3D images have a post-fix 3D.

Orientation Sensitive Wavelets: Cake Wavelets

CakeWaveletStack3D[OrientationSpecification, waveletSize, options]constructs a ObjCakeWavelet3D stack for 3D images using the orientationSpecification; which can be a Integer value indicating the number of orientations, a list of unit vectors or an ObjSphereSampling.

Functions to

Cake wavelets are, just as in the 2D case, designed in the Fourier domain. Obviously in the 3D case the Fourier space is also 3D, thus instead of a circle we are now dealing with a sphere limited Fourier domain. A cake wavelet stack for 3D images can be created using the function CakeWaveletStack3D.

Construct Cake wavelets for 3D images
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To see all parameters that model the shape of the wavelets, please take a look at the options section in CakeWaveletStack3D to see their influence on the shape. The parameters are summarized bellow.

option name
default value
"Epsilon"Automaticthe option Epsilon determines which orderLmaxspherical harmonics is used
"SigmaAngle"Falsecontrols the angular width
"Gamma"Nspecifies the distance between the Nyquist frequency and the inflection point
"DcStandardDeviation"3low frequency filter σ

Parameters to control the shape of the wavelets.

By default the used orientations are computed using an electrostatic model with a random initialization step. Therefor each time you compute the wavelets a different set of orientations is used. This might be inconvenient, especially if you want to compare. Therefor it is also possible to provide a list of orientations as a unit vectors. For example we could use tessellations to compute our orientation vectors.

Compute Tessellation, extract the coordinates of the nodes and use these as input for the orientations
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Another method to input the orientation is by using a ObjSphereSampling which can be constructed using a common function (see Common Functions).

It is also possible to use an ObjSphereSampling as orientation specification.
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Note that OrientationScoreTransform3D uses these cake wavelets by default internally.


Construction of an orientation score is convolution of an image f, with the anisotropic wavelet ψ. The function OrientationScoreTransform can be used to do this. The function can be used in different ways.

OrientationScoreTransform3D[image, options]constructs an Obj3DPositionOrientationData from image using the parameters specified by the options
OrientationScoreTransform3D[image,ObjOrientationWavelet]constructs an Obj3DPositionOrientationData from image using the supplied ObjOrientationWavelet

Functions to construct orientation scores from a 3-dimensional image.

Simple Usage

To construct an Orientation Score, only the image needs to be provided to OrientationScoreTransform3D. Lets load an example image from the LieAnalysis server using the function LieAnalysisData. Please note that you need an internet connection for this or have loaded the image before.

The path to the webserver from which the data is loaded
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Load image from the LieAnalysis server and compute the Orientation Scores
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The default wavelet is used to construct these orientation scores. To see the used wavelets, you can request the element "Wavelets" from the Obj3DPositionOrientationData, which returns an ObjOrientationWavelet.

Extract the wavelets that have been used to construct these orientation scores.
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The shape of the wavelets can be controlled using the options of OrientationScoreTransform3D. The following table shows the available options.

option name
default value
"Orientations"12number of orientations or list of orientations
"WaveletSize"11dimensions of the wavelets
"Epsilon"Automaticthe option Epsilon determines which orderLmaxspherical harmonics is used
"SigmaAngle"Falsecontrols the angular width
"Gamma"Nspecifies the distance between the Nyquist frequency and the inflection point
"DcStandardDeviation"3low frequency filter σ

Table containing the options that can be specified for OrientationScoreTransform3D.

Construct an Orientation Score using options to specify the shape of the wavelets.
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Click for copyable input

Sometimes it is required that we resample the orientations of an Obj3DPositionOrientationData, for this purpose a Lie Analysis common function (see Common Functions) ResampleOrientations can be used. This makes use of the ObjSphereSampling. Please note that the resampling of the orientation axis is done through Spherical Harmonics and therefore loss off precision needs to be taken into account (especially if you come from a low number of orientations).

resample electrostatic samples to icosahedron sampling
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Precomputed Wavelets

Another way to use the OrientationScoreTransform3D is to precompute the wavelets, so that you can use them in multiple transforms. It is also recommended for speed if the same wavelets are used for different datasets.

Create Cake wavelets and compute Orientation Scores
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You might want to apply reconstruction to construct an image from your Orientation Scores. For example when you have enhanced image in the Orientation Score domain and want to go back to your spatial domain.

InverseOrientationScoreTransform3D[Obj3DPositionOrientationData, options]Applies reconstruction to Obj3DPositionOrientationData by using the specified options

Compute the inverse from the OrientationScoreTransform.

Load image and compute orientation scores
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The default inverse transform is executed by integrating the orientation axes using the function InverseOrientationScoreTransform.

Compute the Inverse transform
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Reconstruction without low frequencies

The low frequencies have been removed from the transform (controlled by the parameter "DcStandardDeviation") and saved in a separate volume (see Obj3DPositionOrientationData). Thus the center of the Cake in the Fourier domain has been taken out. By default these low frequencies are used by the reconstruction. Sometimes it is not appropriate to do this as the Orientation Score might have been scaled or you just don't want to use them. In this case you can specify the option "UseDcComponent" and set it to False.

The low frequency component is stored in the element "DcData" from Obj3DPositionOrientationData
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Reconstruction without the low frequencies
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Reconstruction methods

Different methods for reconstruction can be used. The default reconstruction method is simply integrating over the orientation dimensions (summation). Besides summation, both exact and L2-norm preserve reconstruction can be used by specifying the option "Method".

Reconstruction using different methods
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GlyphPlotcreates a glyph visualization from Obj3DPositionOrientationData

Visualization options for Obj3DPositionOrientationData.

Visualization of an Obj3DPositionOrientationData
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Left-Invariant Derivatives

The function OrientationScoreDerivatives3D allow to compute Gaussian derivatives with respect to the left-invariant frame.

LeftInvariantDerivatives3D[Obj3DPositionOrientationData, {σs,σo},derivativesIndex]computes the left-invariant derivative AderivativeIndex from Obj3DPositionOrientationData using the specified σs and σo.
LeftInvariantDerivatives3D[Obj3DPositionOrientationData, {σs,σo}, {derivativeIndex..}]computes a list of left-invariant derivatives
LeftInvariantDerivatives3D[Obj3DPositionOrientationData, derivativeSpecification]computes the left-invariant derivativeSpecification from Obj3DPositionOrientationData using a finite differences method
OrientationScoreTensor3D[Obj3DPositionOrientationData,{σs,σo},derivativesSpecification]computes a left-invariant derivativeSpecification tensor from Obj3DPositionOrientationData using σs and σo
OrientationScoreTensor3D[Obj3DPositionOrientationData,derivativesSpecification]computes a left-invariant derivativeSpecification tensor from Obj3DPositionOrientationData using a finite differences method

Computation of derivatives in the left-invariant frame.

Load data, and compute Orientation Scores
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Now we can compute the left-invariant Gaussian derivatives by supplying the Obj3DPositionOrientationData, Gaussian scales and obviously in which direction we would like to compute the derivative. The directions are indicated by the indices (i) of the left invariant frame (Ai). For example if we would like to compute the A3 derivative (in the direction of the structures in the orientation scores)

Computing left-invariant derivatives might take a while. Therefore it is good to have some progress updates
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Compute A3 derivative
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Instead of the Gaussian derivatives also a finite difference method can be used to compute the left-invariant derivatives. Simply do not specify any scales to the LeftInvariantDerivatives3D and OrientationScoreTensor3D and the finite differences method is used instead of the Gaussian derivatives method.

Left-invariant derivatives can also be computed from a finite differences method.
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In the 2D case it was possible to compute derivatives up to any order, in the 3D case this is limited to second order derivatives. It is also possible to compute multiple derivatives at once. Therefore instead of supplying a single integer, a list of integers can be supplied.

Computing higher order derivatives and multiple derivatives at once.
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The output of the function might not what you would expect. In some cases it is more useful to have the derivatives as the last dimension of you Data element (e.g. in the case of a gradient or hessian). To this purpose the OrientationScoreTensor3D function can be used.

Use the function OrientationScoreTensor3D to get a single object containing all the derivatives.
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There are two predefined Tensors, the Hessian and gradient, you can use these by supplying a string instead of a list of integers.

Compute the Hessian using a string input
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It is also possible to convert a list of Obj3DPositionOrientationData to a single ObjTensor. Simply supply the list of Obj3DPositionOrientationData to the OrientationScoreTensor3D. Note that the element "Labels" is not longer available as these are unknown.

Converting a list of Obj3DPositionOrientationData to ObjTensor
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Locally Adaptive Frame

OrientationScoreGaugeFrames3Dconstruct a data adaptive frame from an Obj3DPositionOrientationData
construct a data-adaptive frame
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Fast Marching (Windows only)

FastMarching[costFunction,seeds,tips]returns a ObjFastMarchingResult which contains the shortest path between seeds and tips using the costFunction
Fast Marching in R3
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Fast Marching in SE(3)
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